Monday 18 September 2023

INTERVIEW: Henry Martin

Henry Martin, artist, writer and spiritual director, talks about his new book The Dog Walker’s Guide to God: 52 Musing on companionship, Divine and canine

Have you always owned dogs, and how many dogs do you own today?

I currently have two dogs, Hugo and Hera, both Labrador Beauceron crosses, both rescued from miserable existences and both wonderful companions. I think many dog owners have a type; mine always involves a Labrador. Before these two I had Talisker, a brindle Lab Staffie cross and as a child there was Nelson, a Lab and goodness know what else in the mix.  I have also been dog-less for several years in my adult life, in which time I often felt somehow incomplete. Other humans who are dog-people will know exactly what I mean

Where or when did the inspiration for The Dog Walker’s Guide to God strike?

These musings began in 2021 with Hugo. We had finally reached that stage in life where we could adopt a dog: our work no longer took us away for long hours each day and our new garden was bounded by fences and thick hedges. We found him in a local refuge, a large, excitable, wannabe-dominant two-year-old, house-trained, but with no idea how to walk on a lead. He learnt. We learnt. Soon our walks became a highlight in the day. I enjoyed his company and his growing responsiveness. And I started wondering ‘If I so value my walks with Hugo, does God value walking with me? If something is true between humans and their dogs, might it also be true, possibly even more so, between God and humans?’ These musing became writings, and eventually a book.

What is it about going for dog walks that can lead us to contemplate the ‘bigger picture’, appreciate context or help rationalise things that have happened or been said to us?

Dog walks are an excellent time to contemplate the day ahead and life in general: the gentle pace, the beauty of the outdoors, the balm of canine companionship are all conducive to reflection. 

Do you feel closer to God when on your daily dog walk than at other times in a given day or week?

At times without a doubt but maybe less so when it’s raining or when the dogs have spotted a hare. It’s hard to feel overly close to God when being dragged along by a couple of over-excited hooligans! At calmer times the relationship between dog and human is rich and complex and provides much food for thought, when thinking about humans and God.

How far back in time does the bond beyond humans and dogs stretch?

Theories vary. It all began before dogs existed, when some of their wolf ancestors approached humans and somehow struck a deal. This might have been 15,000 years ago or perhaps 12,000 years ago, or maybe as much as 33,000 years ago; there are a wide range of opinions on this.

What can dogs teach us about patience and humility?

Dogs are different from humans. They can do things that are unimaginable for humans, especially when it comes to recognising scents. They remind us that humans are only one part of God’s creation, and that God gave certain gifts to our fellow animals that we lack. Along with scent they have an astonishing capacity for loyalty, forgiveness and a joie-de-vivre that can only inspire us.

How should people approach The Dog Walker’s Guide to God?

There are fifty-two ‘thought for the day’ type of chapters. Ideally the reader will share their life with at least one dog and a curiosity about God. The plan is that they spend five or so minutes reading each short chapter, before heading out for with their dog whilst chewing each day’s closing question. I hope that this book will be useful for those who are housebound, and possibly even for those not lucky enough to have a dog currently in their lives, since its themes are universal. There is so much we can learn from dogs about, God, life and ourselves. 

Henry Martin is an artist, writer and spiritual director. He has written and illustrated several acclaimed books for DLT. He has worked as an ordained Anglican minister in Dagenham, Salford, and, more recently, for seven years as the Managing Chaplain at HMP Manchester (Strangeways). He currently lives in France, with his husband and their two dogs, Hugo and Hera.

The Dog Walker’s Guide to God: 52 Musings on companionship Divine and canine by Henry Martin is available now in hardback, priced £14.99.

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